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«RehabNET  RPS-Form», weltweite Nutzung

Anwendung RPS-Form (ICF-Blatt) gemäss Original-Publikation:

"Use of the ICF model as a clinical problem-solving tool in physical therapy and rehabilitation medicine."


Steiner WA, Ryser L, Huber E, Uebelhart D, Aeschlimann A, Stucki G.: Use of the ICF model as a clinical problem-solving tool in physical therapy and rehabilitation medicine. Phys Ther. 2002 Nov; 82(11):1098-107.

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«RehabNET  RPS-Form»: Version mit integriertem"Clinical Reasoning"

Darstellung Fall-Management

RehabNET hat das «RehabNET  RPS-Form» webbasiert entwickelt mit der interessanten Möglichkeit, "klinisches Reasoning" zu visualisieren. Jeder Pfeil ("Connecting Line") zwischen zwei Kategorien ist mit einem Textfeld hinterlegt, welches die Begründung zur gedachten Abhängigkeit enthält.

Das Modul hatte ferner einen aktualisierten ICF-Browser integriert, sowie einen «ICF-Core-Set Manager», der das Anlegen eigener "ICF-Short Lists" erlaubte.

Das Interesse an ICF-basiertem Patienten-Management blieb jedoch insgesamt recht bescheiden, so dass RehabNET die Entwicklung der Web-Applikation «RehabNET  RPS-Form» auf Ende 2020 eingestellt hat..


«RehabNET  RPS-Form»

(erweiterte RPS-Version, Originalversion siehe Steiner et. al 2002)

RehabNET RPS-Form, erweiterte Version

Grössere Ansicht: Auf Bild klicken!



Original-Darstellung "RPS-Form 2002":

Steiner WA, Ryser L, Huber E, Uebelhart D, Aeschlimann A, Stucki G.: Use of the ICF model as a clinical problem-solving tool in physical therapy and rehabilitation medicine. Phys Ther. 2002 Nov; 82(11):1098-107.

Figur 2: Papierversion RPS-Form (auch ICF-Blatt genannt).

Zu beachten: "Personal Factors" und "Environmental Factors" können nur im unteren Bereich des RPS-Forms dokumentiert werden. Damit konnte die Perspektive der Patienten nicht genügend dargestellt werden. Aus diesem Grunde wurde das "RPS-Form 2002" stark verbessert für die spätere Online Version.


RehabNET RPS-Form, Originalversion

Grössere Ansicht von Figur 2: Auf Bild klicken!

Figure 2. (Original-Beschreibung):
"The Rehabilitation Problem-Solving Form (RPS-Form) is based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) Model of Functioning and Disability15 (see Fig. 3). The main difference is that the RPS-Form is divided into 3 parts: (1) header for basic information, (2) upper part to describe the patient's perspective, and (3) lower part for the analysis of the health care professionals. Copyright 2000 by Dr Werner Steiner, Switzerland. Reprint allowed with permission only."

Fall-Beispiel, Original RPS-Form 2002:

Figure 4. (Original-Beschreibung):
"The Rehabilitation Problem-Solving Form (RPS-Form) applied to a patient with chronic pain. The form visualizes the current understanding of the patient's state of functioning and disability, her target problems, and how the health care professional team relates them to hypothetical mediators and contextual factors. (NSAID=nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)."

Copyright 2000 by Dr Werner Steiner, Switzerland. Reprint allowed with permission only."


RehabNET RPS-Form, Case original

Grössere Ansicht von Figur 4: Auf Bild klicken!



«RehabNET  RPS-Form», Publikationen und Web-Seiten

1) RPS-Form für Case-Management

Lumbar Spine Assessment

Fallbeispiele folgender Autorinnen: Masiero, Philippart, Vanderzwaag

Hogeschool van Amsterdam; European School of Physiotherapy (ESP) Quelle:


RPS-Form, Case a Amsterdam

Grössere Ansicht: Auf Bild klicken!


RPS-Form, Case b Amsterdam

Grössere Ansicht: Auf Bild klicken!


RPS-Form, Case c Amsterdam

Grössere Ansicht: Auf Bild klicken!



Das RPS-Form (Steiner et al. 2002) als Grundlage für das "ICF Assessment Sheet"


Das RPS-Form findet zunehmend auch in der Schweiz Verwendung im Management komplexer Patienten-Situationen.

Die ICF Research Branch (ICF Research Branch) zeigt die Verwendung von ICF-Tools im modernen Patienten-Management. Dabei wird das rechts abgebildete «ICF Assessment Sheet» verwendet, welches inhaltlich anlehnt an das «WHO-Modell der Funktionsfähigkeit und Behinderung» sowie an das RPS-Form (Steiner et al. 2002) mit der typischen Aufspaltung in "Health Professional Perspective" [unten] und in die "Patients' Perspective" [oben].


Zitat: ICF Assessment Sheet:

"To describe the patient’s experience of functioning, his or her own words are used to fill in the patient’s perspective. To reflect the health professional’s perspective, all results from the clinical assessment relevant to the description of the patient's functioning status at the time of assessment are entered in the lower part of the sheet, ideally using ICF categories. In order to use the common language of the ICF, the original technical terminology of the clinical assessment has to be translated or ‘linked’ to the corresponding ICF categories. Established linking rules can greatly facilitate this process. Environmental factors can also be indicated using ICF categories. "


ICF Assessment Sheet


Swiss Paraplegic Research ©



ICF Literatur

Das RPS-Form (Steiner et al. 2002) wurde weltweit zitiert/verwendet

(Ausgewählte Publikationen, neuste oben):

  • Yumi Yi: Structural Equation Model of Quality of Life of Older People living alone. Thesis, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 2019
  • 2019 to 2015 to be completed
  • Alford V.M., Ewen S., Webb G.R., McGinley J., Brookes A.2, Remedios L.J.: The use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health to understand the health and functioning experiences of people with chronic conditions from the person perspective: a systematic review. 2014: Disabil Rehabil, Early Online: 1–12
  • Elaklouk A.M., Zin N.A.M., Azrulhizam Shapii A.: A Conceptual Framework for Designing Brain Injury Cognitive Rehabilitation Gaming System. Int. Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications(JDCTA) 7 (15) 2013.
  • Verstraete1 E.H., Vanderstraeten G., W. Parewijck W.: Pelvic Girdle Pain during or after Pregnancy: a review of recent evidence and a clinical care path proposal. FVV in ObGyn, 2013, 5 (1): 33-43
  • Bjornson KF, Zhou C, Stevenson R, Christakis DA: Capacity to participation in cerebral palsy: evidence of an indirect path via performance. Arch Phys Med Rehabil; 2013 Dec;94(12):2365-72
  • Tempest S, Harries P, Kilbride C, De Souza L: Enhanced clarity and holism: the outcome of implementing the ICF with an acute stroke multidisciplinary team in England. Disabil Rehabil; 2013;35(22):1921-5
  • Schmitt MA, Stenneberg MS, Schrama PP, van Meeteren NL, Helders PJ, Schröder CD: Measurement of clinically relevant functional health perceptions in patients with whiplash-associated disorders: the development of the whiplash specific activity and participation list (WAL). Eur Spine J; 2013 Sep;22(9):2097-104
  • Alonso J, Vilagut G, Adroher ND, Chatterji S, He Y, Andrade LH, Bromet E, Bruffaerts R, Fayyad J, Florescu S, de Girolamo G, Gureje O, Haro JM, Hinkov H, Hu C, Iwata N, Lee S, Levinson D, Lépine JP, Matschinger H, Medina-Mora ME, O'Neill S, Ormel JH, Posada-Villa JA, Ismet Taib N, Xavier M, Kessler RC: Disability mediates the impact of common conditions on perceived health. PLoS One; 2013;8(6):e65858
  • Oltman R, Neises G, Scheible D, Mehrtens G, Grüneberg C: ICF components of corresponding outcome measures in flexor tendon rehabilitation - a systematic review. BMC Musculoskelet Disord; 2008;9:139
  • Mertens VC, Goossens ME, Verbunt JA, Köke AJ, Smeets RJ: Effects of nurse-led motivational interviewing of patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain in preparation of rehabilitation treatment (PREPARE) on societal participation, attendance level, and cost-effectiveness: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials; 2013;14:90
  • Wells C, Kolt GS, Marshall P, Hill B, Bialocerkowski A: Effectiveness of Pilates exercise in treating people with chronic low back pain: a systematic review of systematic reviews. BMC Med Res Methodol; 2013;13:7
  • Alford VM, Remedios LJ, Webb GR, Ewen S: The use of the international classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF) in indigenous healthcare: a systematic literature review. Int J Equity Health; 2013;12:32
  • Mueller M, Boldt C, Grill E, Strobl R, Stucki G: Identification of ICF categories relevant for nursing in the situation of acute and early post-acute rehabilitation. BMC Nurs; 2008;7:3
  • Okochi J, Utsunomiya S, Takahashi T: Health measurement using the ICF: test-retest reliability study of ICF codes and qualifiers in geriatric care. Health Qual Life Outcomes; 2005;3:46
  • Verhoef J, Oosterveld FG, Hoekman R, Munneke M, Boonman DC, Bakker M, Otten W, Rasker JJ, de Vries-Vander Zwan HM, Vliet Vlieland TP: A system of networks and continuing education for physical therapists in rheumatology: a feasibility study. Int J Integr Care; 2004;4:e19
  • Stucki G, Ewert T: How to assess the impact of arthritis on the individual patient: the WHO ICF. Ann Rheum Dis; 2005 May;64(5):664-8
  • Gagnon C, Noreau L, Moxley RT, Laberge L, Jean S, Richer L, Perron M, Veillette S, Mathieu J: Towards an integrative approach to the management of myotonic dystrophy type 1. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry; 2007 Aug;78(8):800-6


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